Finance Mobilization
MAI and its partners offer guidance towards understanding how to negotiate and obtain trade, project, debt and equity finance, as well as guarantees and insurance from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) to successfully support corporate investments in new and expanding markets.
IFIs are divided into three categories: Multilateral Development Banks (MDB), Bilateral Aid Agencies, and Private Sector Institutions (including commercial banks, private equity funds, venture capitalists). MDBs and Bilateral Aid Agencies provide loans and credits for projects and programs that support sustainable economic, social, and political progress in developing countries. These projects offer over US$100 billion worth of sales and financial opportunities annually across many sectors.
In order to achieve success, it is critical that clients understand procurement rules and organizational structure of MDBs and Bilateral Aid Agencies in addition to the governments and markets they serve. Private financial institutions seek high return investments globally and rely on a significant level of due diligence before committing funds. Understanding how to approach these institutions is critical to successfully obtaining debt and equity finance in support of company growth plans. Services include: